Saturday 16 February 2013

Why you have to join me vote Nutsugah.

This is an intensely personal article. According to the Roman thinker, Plotinus (AD 204-274), “Knowledge has three degrees, opinion, science, illumination. The means of the instrument of the first is sense, of the second dialectics, of the third intuition.” I believed in the power of knowledge, both its acquisition and strict application. He is both a thinker and developmental pragmatist. I am at LEAST as patriotic and nationalistic as you are! I am sacrificing my resources to bring these humble contributions to the powers that be for possible consideration when queuing to choose the next leader, in exercising my fundamental human right inherent in the universal freedom of speech that can also be expressed in writing, as guaranteed in our constitution and UN charter to which Ghana and for that matter is a signatory G.I.J. Till date, I do NOT belong to any camp! I am for a free, united, prosperous and democratic G.I.J with a level playing ground for everyone to grow according to his/her talents and potentials without god-fatherism/motherism having any hold. My messages nay suggestions (called it epistles if you like), in form of questions and answers, are the conclusion of a prolonged analysis of the problems that have been hindering rapid and massive development all over G.I.J in our quest and desire to catch up with the modern world of communication. Development! First of all, we need to identify our ultimate institutional educational goal that need to be achieved very URGENTLY. To me, it is development that we badly need at this moment of our history. As a premier university that we claimed to be, we are too far behind in terms of development which can only be achieved through good leadership. In enumerating the candidate’s actions, I am not going to go by anything he has told me, or by anything I have read. I would like to use the personal experiences of myself and others who have talked to me about him, as I feel this is more authentic. The name Noel Nutsugah began to mean more to me at a General Assembly Meeting, when through sheer happenstance I had lunch with colleagues who happened to be members of his sports committee. This gentlemen displayed such a depth of knowledge about the problems facing their constituency that I was astounded. We were specifically discussing how they were able to revive and secure football jersey for the school team. The gentlemen pointed out that “They remember his constancy in every act which was conformable to reason, his evenness in all things, his piety, the serenity of his countenance, his sweetness, his disregard of empty fame and his efforts to understand things; how he would never let anything pass without having first most carefully examined it; how he bore with those who blamed him unjustly without blaming them in return; how he did nothing in a hurry, how he listened not to calamities and how exact an examiner of matters and actions he was; not given to reproaching people, nor timid, nor suspicious, nor a sophist; with how little he was satisfied, how laborious and patient; how sparing he was in his choice of words; his firmness and uniformity in his friendship; how he tolerated freedom of speech in those who opposed his opinions; the pleasure he had when anyone showed him anything better; and how pious he was without superstition. – ‘Carlos Slim’. Folks, I implore you not to take this as a mudslinging affair, but rather as an attempt to convey the honest opinion of GA members lead by 'Flavio Armando'. The fact is, this is not about the demigods and demagogues that have so far run this School. Rather, it’s about the student, the dues payers and owners that make the vehicle of SRC run. Their health, their comfort and welfare and educational opportunities for me matter above all else. Ask me not how? For you are not for a moment pretending to be blind about our predicaments. Oh yes! have forgotten about the unelectromotive fans hanging in the lecture hall?, what about the furniture?, Do not remind me of the evacuated ‘bush canteen’, because I may strangulate for the reason (s) for the sack. And who cares if you are in level 400 and still cannot access your level 200 result?. Please do me a great deal of favour by holding on to your answers. That reminds me of an article published by a prolific writer already endorsing candidate(s) when the ban on campaign is not yet lifted. What baffles me is the fact that those the article sort to endorse and project are the men and women of some General Assemble repute, who knows the inside- out of the SRC Constitution. Lets I forget, they are indeed the custodians of our laws. Not to re-emphasized the fact that my dearest Nana Achiaa of Diploma 2A tried to remind the student populace of the fact that those we often consider to be closer to administration and lecturers and the fact that they could capitalized on their personal rapport for the entire benefit of students has over the periods proven to be most ineffective, puddle sort of leaders in the annals of G.I.J characterized with parochialism. I know she did not mean any harm to have mentioned that her favourite is an appendage of lecturers and administration alike.Then all those tea party activists, some of which, in combating ‘who is Nutsugah, thought nothing of holding up tribal signs depicting the SRC President to be as an‘Ewe’ witch doctor. I have seen and read articles on open Salon covertly tearing down Nutsugah, SRC Presidential hopeful. He has been demonized because of his religion, his business record, his political record, his wealth of student activism. And I begin to get the impression that Nutsugah is the focus because supporters of other competitors can’t think of anything favorable to say about their own candidate. Come on, ‘Solidarity’; tell me something good about solidarity’s handling of the GA as commander in chief, his achievements as a great unifier of our divided Executive Committee and society, his shining record of candor as a SRC presidential candidate. I know you have been so busy knocking Nutsugah that you have simply forgotten to tell us what is good about solidarity or perhaps you have run out of paper space. Well, here's your chance. Use the space on my paper. Do it on my blog. Tell me something positive about solidarity; tell me some reason to vote for him/her that doesn't include the name solidarity or keteke. And spare me the accolades in your write-up. Because at the end of the day, labels like "hardworking”, ‘humble’ diligent, accessible, and God-fearing and "having first degrees" don't mean much. After all human beings are all the same. Some are raised to be tolerant of different points of view, others not so much. The more secure you are in what you believe, the less likely you are to attack someone for believing something else. Meanwhile, in this institute, You are either a racist; tribalist, if you support your tribesman or woman, his/her opponents will call you names leaving the germaine issues confronting us as a school. But it's all part of where we've arrived, and how we've changed. We wear our ideologies on our sleeves. We keep our political views, and presidential choices, close to our hearts. And so when they're challenged, we feel personally wounded. So we get angry. These days, if you challenge someone's point of view or disagree with their choice in candidates, it's as if you're directly attacking them. It used to be that GIJ Politicians could disagree over politics and still go out to the canteen and sit over a bottle cold ‘Burkina’.or coca-cola, sometimes hand in hand they walk to ‘Asibi’ for some banana and grand nuts. Not anymore. Nowadays, if you disagree, one of you isn't just wrong. One of you is a bad person. And who wants to go drinking with a bad person? Now, almost everything about politics seems less cerebral and more emotional. The business is no longer about compromising with your opponent; it's about conquering him. We don't just disagree; we're out to destroy. We don't settle for half a loaf; it's all or nothing. The goal isn't to find solutions; the objective is simply to win at all costs. We don’t need any Prophet Isaac Owusu Bempah to know that this Nutsugah method will ginger up massive and rapid development across the school within the shortest time. Nutsugah will provide direction and action plan and above all he will be accountable. In a deliberate attempt to package Noel by some GIJ writers for being too combative has backfired judging from the views of the king makers, some are delighted with Noel’s aggressive stance, and they want more of the same in the political activism of GIJ, for they have experienced one too many non-aggressive metamorphosis to non-performing,demagogues and tie- wearing Presidents.’ Enough of the diplomatic and appendage leadership’. Let me enjoined every student of this Institute to write some few honest, heartfelt words about their preferred Presidential candidate. I mean Heartfelt words. Objective words. un-tribal words.

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