Sunday 17 February 2013

No Manifesto No Vote

In about nine (9) months from now, Ghanaians would have yet another golden opportunity at changing the course of events in our nation. This opportunity which comes once every four years is the strongest chance we could ever get to free Ghana and its suffering people from the leadership of wickedness and oppression, ineptitude, greed, nepotism, hypocrisy, lies and half-truths, the list is endless. In deciding between Corrupt ex-leaders and government officials in Ghana still lurking around the corridors of power wishing to come back to finish up the demolition of Ghana. ALARM refuse to accept the fact that these people who should be launching and exhibiting their manifestoes and posting them on the internet for our perusal, still spending their loots at our collective expense and pelting one another at the least opportunity. We in ALARM refuse to accept that, these people, their families and cohorts do not do anything including health care, education, etc. in Nigeria when they killed our own system. And yet would not put forward programmes and policies. We are calling on all Politicians and Political parties to declare their manifesto and their clear and practical plans to solve major problems in their constituencies and Ghana as a whole. We in ALARM finds it worrying that several months after the two major political parties have elected their flag bearers and parliamentary representatives and are ready to jostle for power, they are still adamant in presenting to the good people of Ghana their working document-manifesto. What is preventing those (political parties) from launching their manifestoes so as to afford us the opportunity to hold them accountable? What do they have to hide? We are calling on them to be bold and audacious, open and transparent so as to upset the status quo. We want a political party that seeks to create the future, cause change bring ideas to life, and inspire citizens. ALARM is therefore embarking on a ‘No manifesto, no votes’ campaign. We will make sure that young people will be mobilized to vote only those politicians, who were not part of corruption, stood for integrity and clear developmental goals since this dispensation started. Any other person who was part of this old system will be shocked by the embarrassment we will churn out to them in this electioneering. We want a country where infrastructure works, where politicians are committed to the common good, where opportunities for its citizens are fair and possible. We grew up hearing ourselves addressed as the “leaders of tomorrow,” and now we have realized that it is time we rose to take our destinies into our hands, if we want to stand any chance of witnessing that much-touted “tomorrow.” ALARM say enough is enough. We have had enough! We are taking our future in our hands – and we will neither falter nor stop. We are by these calling on all Ghanaians who have the interest of the youth at heart to join us in this fight.

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